Proudly Providing Community Support

It’s the end of week 12 of social distancing in Toronto; which means it’s also been about 12 weeks since I formally incorporated Caribou Gifts Inc. It’s been a crazy few months, but I know my family is incredibly lucky to be healthy, able to stay home and continue to...

The greater the storm, the brighter the rainbow

We got some new family photos taken from a safe distance.  We didn’t spend a lot of time preparing for them or planning matching outfits.  The whole thing took about 12 minutes.  They aren’t perfect but I love them.  I think they document this time really well and show how...

Making Lemonade from Lemons

It’s a crazy time all over the world right now as we finish up week 6 of social distancing due to the global pandemic Covid-19. For many people anxiety and emotions are running high. Kids are home from daycare and schools and struggling to understand what’s going on; parents are...

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